Welcome to Lamb of God Lutheran at Priest Lake Idaho

Join us for services each Sunday morning at 10:30.
Directions: We are located on Highway 57 about 1/2 hour north of Priest River on the west side of Priest Lake. Just after the "Lamb Creek 2 Miles" sign, where the speed slows to 45 mph turn into our parking lot on the left. Our address is 26508 Highway 57, Priest Lake 83856 and our phone number is 208-443-1403.

Monday, March 5, 2012

March 10

Please enjoy browsing the Lamb of God Lutheran Web Log.  There are videos and pictures as well as commentary here for you.  We hope you like our blog and can experience some of our life at Priest Lake, Idaho.   To contact us you can leave a comment, call 208-443-1403  or 208-691-9533, e-mail  asondahl@gmail.com.

Worship and Ministry 

March 11  3rd Sunday in Lent  10:30 Worship  Dinner Following
                     Texts: Exodus 20:1-17  The Ten Commandments
                                   Psalm 19   "The heavens are telling the glory of God" 
                                   1 Corinthians 1:18-25 
                                   John 2:13-22  The Cleansing of the Temple 

March 14  Quilting at 10 AM 
                   Lenten Prayer Service at 4:00 PM using the Daily Office 

March 18  Fourth Sunday in Lent 10:30 Worship  With Communion 
                    Dinner Following 
                     Tim Franey Preaching 
                     Children: Honor,  Daisy and Dahlia Sing: "What Wondrous Love"
                     Texts: Numbers 21:4-9  Bronze Serpent Raised up
                                   Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 
                                   Ephesians 2:1-10 
                                   John 3:14-21   Jesus Lifted Up, God sent his Son!  

March 21  Quilting at 10:00 AM 
                     Lenten Prayer Service at 4:00pm using the Daily Office  

March 25  5th Sunday in Lent  10:30 Worship Dinner Following
                     Texts: Jeremiah 31:31-34 
                                   Psalm 51:1-12  
                                   Hebrews 5:5-10 
                                   John 12:20-33 A festival and a grain of wheat.      

Reflections: Lent has begun.  The church is dressed in purple and black.  The gold cross on the altar has been exchanged for a simple wooden one, the first one used at Lamb of God. The little cut glass jar of ashes, rests on the edge of the baptismal font.    We begin our Lenten disciplines with confession and prayer, bearing our foreheads the sign of the cross, reaching for deeper understandings of ourselves and our God.  "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."  "Return to the Lord your God,  for he is gracious and merciful,  slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love."  May this season lead us to a cleansing of our spirits,  to the spring house-cleaning of our souls,  to begin afresh.  May Lent and this lengthening of days, which gives the season its name, lead us to garden in the dust we are,  to the growth of beauty, deeds of mercy, and love of God and neighbor.  The text for Ash Wednesday in Matthew ends,  "do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth where rust and moth consume and thieves break in and steal, but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, for where your treasure is,  there will your heart be also."   

Lent continues.  Mud is moving.  Bulbs push up tips of green.  We are growing, deepening.  We are taking more time for prayer in our Sunday morning and Wednesday gatherings.   There is a sense that we are being stirred, the breath of the wind is warm, and life stretches for Life.   Baptism is a focus of this time.   The season started because of the intense time of preparation for Baptism at  the Easter Vigil in the early church.  Catechumens, those preparing for Baptism, studied at the church daily.  They fasted and they prayed.  Can we see that Lent  is about water, and cleansing, and new life?  March rains touch us with the Lent we need to see, the way we need to be.     

In our prayers: 
Brenda,  Jim and Gigi's neighbor who has suffered many serious complications following foot surgery. 

Randy and Yvonne Phelps at the death of Randy's mother. 

Bryce, Gigi Horning's son in California as he begins treatment for Leukemia  

Gail Schuster and her health.  

Mary Toutonghi and family after the death of her husband Mike.

Jim Horning  for successful surgery. 
For Lee's sister Marcia for healing. 
For Shanna Ann as her birthday approaches on March 16.   
 Lutheran World Relief    lwr.org/getinvolved    or call 800.597.5972

Mark and Rachel Miller who are missionaries and their children Abraham and Samuel. 

News:  The parking lot is a sheet of ice!  There is a small lake between the stairs into the church and the beginning of the great ice sheet which used to be a parking lot.  

The video for the sermon from March 4 disappeared when the camera battery ran out during the filming.   Our apologies that we cannot share the Word with you from that Sunday.  

Wednesday found the parking lot to be slipperier than Sunday!  Stand at the top and you have to work hard not to just slide down, down, down.....

We are talking about a garden at the church this summer.  Yippee! 

And it was so good to be with Yvonne Phelps who came to pray with us on Wednesday.   Her work with Priest River Ministries Advocates for Women is touching our lives.   We hope to move forward together to serve those in need around us.  


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