Welcome to Lamb of God Lutheran at Priest Lake Idaho

Join us for services each Sunday morning at 10:30.
Directions: We are located on Highway 57 about 1/2 hour north of Priest River on the west side of Priest Lake. Just after the "Lamb Creek 2 Miles" sign, where the speed slows to 45 mph turn into our parking lot on the left. Our address is 26508 Highway 57, Priest Lake 83856 and our phone number is 208-443-1403.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

 Here it is 2024 with a new roof and new paint job!  Come and visit! We also support the local food bank and Thrift Shoppe which benefits the area needy community.

Monday, March 2, 2015

We have a new altar cross thanks to Jeannie and Vern Melvin.  The cross already existed in the back room at the church, but the Melvins volunteered to add stained glass mosaic to the weathered wood cross...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Join in the rhythm of a holy year

We may not be regular in posting here, but the seasons continue to be observed at Lamb of God, whether Epiphany, Lent, Easter, or Pentecost. 
We continue supporting the efforts of Lutheran World Relief with quilting and school and health kits.
We continue to meet in word and sacrament on Sundays at 10:30 am.
Join us!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Easter Joy!

April 23 

News:  The garden is being prepared for its second year.   The third load of fertilizer was unloaded in the rain on Sunday and part of the garden turned in the wonderfully warm sun on Monday.    Every day brings us closer to planting.   In the upstairs apartment little cups hold seeds for squash and broccoli that will be transplanted out we hope!    Thanks to the Food Bank we have a great collection of seeds waiting to go in the ground.    There are flowers promised that will be transplanted from other gardens and some are already in that we should see blooming before too long;  columbine, peony,  iris and chives which have those fuzzy purple flowers that are so fun!  Please feel free to help yourself to some of the edible stems too.  

SundayApril 1st  Brad Sondahl led the worship for Steve whose recovery has been complicated.  Please continue to keep Steve in your prayers for healing.  Thank you so much Brad for filling in.  We were happy to welcome back some returning folks and we continue to look forward to more and more of our congregation joining us in person as spring unfolds and summer returns.  May God watch over the travel and transition which this season brings.  WELCOME HOME TO PRIEST LAKE TO EVERYONE!  

Yesterday April Henderson successfully completed  the 3 sections of the GED which she took.  Congratulations April!  

Pamela Robinson has gained employment in her new location.  Congratulations to Pamela!    

Althea preached up at Our Savior in Pinehurst on Sunday and she enjoyed having along some company from Lamb of God.

We have 48 quilts DONE toward our goal of 50 for Lutheran World Relief Ingathering in May.   One more quilt is ready for the binding and so we have only ONE quilt left to finish completely!   This is amazing.   We also have 12 School Kits well under way with more coming!   We have had some very very generous donations from Julie for many supplies and Joyce and her friend Kathy in making the backpacks as well as critical additions from other donors.   It is such a gift to watch this ministry expand in what seems like an exponential way!   The boxes of supplies still need to be sorted so we know what we are missing but hopefully we will get that done and the additions made before the Ingathering.   Also,  the kind people at Pinehurst have loaned us one of their twenty baby care kits so we can see what it contains and how the things are made so we can add them to our ministry if we decide we would like to do that.   We keep mentioning baby blankets when we make our big quilts so we will see...... 

April  24  Quilting 10-3:30.   Thank you Barbara for providing lunch.
April 28   10:00 Sunday School for kids,  10:30 Fifth Sunday of Easter Worship 

May 2-3  Lutheran World Relief Ingathering
May 5     10:00 Sunday School for kids,  10:30 Sixth Sunday of Easter Worship 
May 11-16  Althea gone
May 12 10:30 Worship
May 19  10:30 Pentecost Worship      

Reflections:   As this Week of weeks celebrates the Feast of Easter we give thanks for the Resurrection of our Lord and for all the biblical texts on these Sundays that remind us of what his resurrections means for us and for all people.  We are an Easter people, we live as a new creation,  rising daily from the death of sin.    The line from the hymn comes to mind,  "water washed and Spirit born",   so we are children of God and walk in his ways.  The other day while discussing what is happening in the Lutheran church in America as membership declines one of our new people said,  "you have got to be kidding,  this is the funnest church I have ever been in!"  The discussion went on to talk about what it means to distinguish between Law and Gospel.  No, we don't threaten you with hell and damnation if you smoke and drink, though we do want you to change destructive habits   but the Good News is what we want to share and we want you to know that you belong and you are chosen by God now,  not because you change to meet our rules,  but because God loves you.   It has been such a gift this winter to watch people learn what it means that "Jesus loves me" and to know that patterns of God's love are being woven in hearts and minds and lives.   One of the little girls while learning the song, would start it herself with these words  "God loves me.....the Bible tells me so"   and that is so right and a perfect way for all of us to remember that Jesus is God and that the love we know in him is the love of God.   As we grow in Christ,  we do struggle to learn what that love looks like and what it means, which often requires sacrifices we do not want to make,  but the rewards of  God's love, like being the "funnest church", keep us ever moving upward and onward, on the wings of the Spirit.   "When our hearts are wintry, grieving or in pain,  your touch can bring us back to life again,  Fields of our hearts that dead and bare have been:  Love is come again like wheat arising green. "  (From Hymn #148 in the Lutheran Book of Worship  "Now the Green Blade Rises.")   May all your Sundays be "little Easters"  and all your days be lived in the One in whom there is no darkness at all!            

Saturday, April 6, 2013

March 30 Easter Vigil

Following the service Victoria and Brooke delight in the font.  The Baptismal Font is central for the Service of Water

Wednesday, February 20, 2013